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  • sissyknopps

Closing Checklist

Life can get pretty busy when you’re about to close on your home. So we’ve put together this checklist to help you keep track of your to-do list.

Make sure all safety and agreed upon repairs from the inspection report along with any documentation proving the repairs were made.

Gather all closing documents including: The closing statement, seller disclosures, purchase contract and other documents that should all be kept.

Notify the post office of your move and change your address on all your bills, subscriptions and with other VIP’s in your life.

After closing and transfer of the property title, cancel your homeowner’s insurance and set up any necessary insurance on your new property immediately. You may also need to make adjustments to your car especially if you’re moving to a different state.

Cancel your utility bills at your former residence and set up your utilities at your new property.

Put all the keys, remotes along with appliance manuals, warranties and receipts in one place so the new homeowner has easy access to these items.

Close up the home by locking doors and windows.

At the closing you will need:

  • Anyone on the purchase and sale agreement is going to need to have a valid drivers license.

  • The deed to your home if you own it or don’t have a mortgage on it.

  • Any unanswered questions regarding the HUD settlement statement.

  • Your key to the home to give to your real estate agent to hold until the home is on record.

  • Any final utility bills to be paid or collected on. For example, in Wisconsin, your real estate agent should get the final reading off your water meter. In addition, if you have oil heating, it’s customary to provide a final oil reading.

​For additional information or questions please contact us.



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