You probably already figured you might have to make some minor changes and repairs in order to have your home appeal to the masses. By implementing these eight tips you are positioning your home to attract a higher quality buyer. (Serious buyers with potentially more money.)
1. Clean clean clean! What is clean to some is not to others, you can't over clean.
2. Declutter. The rule, less is more, applies here. Remove all personal items, traces of pets, wall hangings, etc. Keep things organized to show off storage spaces.
3. Rent a storage unit if you need a place to store the personal items and clutter you are removing from your home.
4. Paint with neutral colors. There is often a physical as well as psychological response to color. To eliminate any potential negative reactions neutral paint on the walls is best. In addition, lighter neutral colors help brighten up spaces and can make them appear larger.
5. If your home has siding, be sure to pressure wash it. The first impression of your home is important. Not only is a clean interior important but so is a clean exterior.
6. Spruce up your landscaping and be sure to incorporate beautiful flowers where ever possible. Again this helps create a great first impression.
7. Get a pre-inspection done on your home. Then fix any issue that the inspector identifies. Click here for more information.
8. Have an unfinished project? There's no better time than now to get it complete.
Now you're serious and ready to get your home sold and it will show! Contact us and we'll get your home on the market.
